Rise up
to the

Whether you're new to running or are challenging
yourself to do more, every step supports life-saving
discoveries for Canadian kids.

    Sign Up

Set your goals and run solo, with friends, or as part of your corporate challenge team.


Tell your family, friends, neighbours, and anyone who'll listen why you're running so they can cheer you on and help fundraise.


Jog, run or sprint whenever you want, wherever you want, for as long as you want throughout the month of May.

Welcome to Training 101

Move with purpose.

Take a look at these training tips to get you started and keep you going this Spring.

How to train for your first 5K

How to avoid running injuries

How to train for your first 10K

Crush your half-marathon PB

In good company.

You may venture out by yourself but that doesn’t mean you’re alone. Join our Facebook group and follow our Instagram to join our online community. It's a built in support system!

Join our Facebook Group

Connect a
run tracker

Track your kilometres for free, manually or with your favourite app

Get answers to your questions

Event Info

What is The Million Reasons Run?

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The Million Reasons Run is a free running challenge held throughout May. You choose your running and fundraising goals and run wherever, however you like. Funds raised will go to life-saving research happening at the 13 children’s hospitals across Canada. We may have our own reasons to run, but the health of every kid in Canada is the ultimate one.

When and where does the run take place?

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The Million Reasons Run takes place May 1-31, 2024. You decide when and where you’d like to start and just how far you’d like to go. This is your personal challenge to conquer.

How do I participate?

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First, you’ll need to sign up on the website – registration is free, and open to anyone. Wherever you live, whatever your running skill, you choose the place and pace to complete The Million Reasons Run. Choose your distance goal, start your challenge, and keep track of your progress on your personal dashboard.

Can I walk or cycle?

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The Million Reasons Run is a running challenge; however, you can choose to move however you like – a shuffle, jog or sprint. All running levels are accepted from beginner to pro. Please keep in mind that MapMyRun and Fitbit will only record your activity as “run”.

How do I sign up?

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It’s pretty simple – click here to sign up for free and get ready to run for the health of kids across Canada.

How much does it cost to sign up?

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Registration is free! All you need to do is sign up and lace-up.

How can I create or join a team?

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You can join a team one of two ways: during registration or by searching the team name if you are already a registered participant.

During registration you will be asked if you would like to create or join a team. This step will allow you to create a team by choosing a unique team name, setting a team fundraising goal, and setting a team running goal.

If you have already registered and wish to join a team, search for the team’s name directly on the Million Reasons Run website in the search bar menu. Once you have located the team page, click the orange “ join us” which will then take you to a page asking you for confirmation. After you have clicked “I confirm” you are part of the team!

How do I reset my password?

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If you forget your password, you can always request a password reset. This can be done by first selecting the login button from the main navigation bar at the top of the page or by clicking here and then selecting the 'Forgot Password?' link. After entering the email address you have used to sign up, we will send you an email containing step by step instructions on resetting your password.

How can I get ahold of someone on The Million Reasons Run team?

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Our team is available to chat with you from Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm EST. Give us a call toll-free at 1-888-251-0066 or email us at hello@millionreasons.runWe’d be happy to chat with you!

Fundraising Support

Is fundraising mandatory?

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No, fundraising isn’t mandatory to participate in The Million Reasons Run, but we would encourage you to try! This is your personal challenge and you set your own goal, so it doesn’t have to be daunting! We’ve got the best tips and tricks to set you up for success on our Fundraise page. Any amount you can fundraise will make an impact – doing good feels good! All donations received will go to children’s health research happening in your local community.

What happens if I don’t reach my fundraising goal?

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Your goal is just that – your goal. Our team is here to help you reach your goal. Check out our fundraising resources page for some ideas to get you started. We also have some sweet swag you can earn when you reach your goal of $500, $1,500, or $2,500. And even if you don’t reach your goal, every dollar counts when it comes to funding children’s health research. We'll never charge you for not reaching your goal. 

How do I find my fundraising page?

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You can find your fundraising page by simply searching for your name in the "Find runner/team" search bar in the navigation at the top of any page. Alternatively, once you log into your account you will be redirected to your Dashboard where you will find the link to your fundraising page in the masthead under your name with a View button which will link you directly to your fundraiser page.

How do I start fundraising?

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Fundraising is much easier than you think! Here are a few ways to kick start your fundraising:

1. Start with a self-donation. Contributing to your own challenge shows your family and friends that you are committed to making an impact and encourages them to do the same.
2. Spread the news. Share your fundraising page on social media and let your network know that you are running for the health of kids across Canada. Everyone will want to support you and such an important cause.
3. Send an email. Your Dashboard has email templates ready for you to customize and send to your contacts.
4. Log and share your run activity. Once people see your incredible efforts, they will naturally want to support you. Track your kms on MapMyRun or Fitbit, or manually add them to your dashboard, and share on social media.

What are the donations for?

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The Million Reasons Run has a very clear goal to help improve the health of all kids across Canada through funding life-saving research. Research is the engine that drives a million changes in treatment, clinical practices, and healthcare for Canada's children. Learn more about our work and how your donations stay in your local community.

Where do the donations go?

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When you donate, your donation will be received by SickKids Foundation. SickKids Foundation is collaborating on this event with 12 other children's hospitals foundations across Canada and has agreed to grant donations received to the closest participating children's hospital foundation(s) based on the donor's postal code.

Click here to learn more about the hospitals benefiting from The Million Reasons Run.

Can I fundraise on social media?

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Absolutely! You can share your fundraising page link on any of your preferred social media channels, and we even have social pics you can share, found here. It’s a great way to get support from your entire network.

Fundraising on Facebook/Instagram

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Facebook or Instagram may prompt you to create a fundraiser about The Million Reasons Run. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to track donations that come through Facebook or Instagram fundraising pages, so it is important to NOT USE one for your fundraising. This includes adding a “Donate” button to your Facebook or Instagram page. Fundraising on social media is still strongly encouraged and should be done so by sharing your fundraising page link from your Dashboard. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.

Run Tracking

How do I track my kilometres online?

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To track your kilometres manually, log into your account and from your Dashboard select My Runs. From here, under the Add Activity window, you can add the date, type of activity, and amount of kilometres completed, once done click the save button.

What apps can I use to track my runs?

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You can track your runs for free on MapMyRun, Fitbit, or Garmin and then upload it to your Dashboard to share your runs on your fundraising page. For information on connecting your apps, click here.

Can I track my KMs using an Apple watch?

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It takes a few steps to initially connect but yes you can! 

Download the MapMyRun app first, then connect your app to your fundraising page, then follow the steps here for MapMyRun to sync your Apple watch and start tracking!

Can I start tracking my kilometres before May?

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If you train before May 1st your runs will not be published to your page and your KMs will remain at 0 km until the challenge officially starts on May 1st. You are encouraged, however, to connect your running app to your Dashboard and train before the start of the event. 

How do I link my run tracking app to my fundraising page?

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To use MapMyRun, Fitbit, or Garmin to track your runs, you can connect it from the ‘Connect Apps’ on your Dashboard. This will enable us to publish your runs recorded in your app. 

Group Runs

What are Group Runs?

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Group Runs are a new feature of the Million Reasons Run event that allows you to connect in person with other participants in your geographical area and go for a run together! Registered participants can create a new Group Run by choosing a location, date, and start time. Once created, other registered participants can browse the available Group Runs in their area and decide to attend one or multiple runs. It’s a great way to meet new people, connect with your community and log some KMs towards your monthly goal.

How many Group Runs can I attend or create?

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As many as you like! There is no fee to attend or create a Group Run and there also isn’t a limit on the number of Group Runs you can join or create.

How do I create a Group Run?

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First, you must be a registered participant of the Million Reasons Run. Once you are signed in, navigate to your dashboard and select “Group Runs”. You will then see several tiles with different options. Select “Create a Group Run”, fill in the required details, then click “Create a Group Run“ at the bottom to finish. Your run is now created and will show up in your “Group Runs Created” tile as well as the “Find a Group Run” tile where others can find and join your run.

When do Group Runs take place?

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Organizers of Group Runs set the start time, location, and date. Group Runs can take place between March 1st, and May 31st.

Who leads Group Runs?

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Group Runs are entirely organized by Million Reasons Run participants. Any registered participant can create a Group Run. Typically, the person who creates the Group Run will be the one who chooses the route and leads the run. 

I’m new to running and not ready to run very far or fast yet. Will I be left in the dust?

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No! Group Runs should include runners of all levels. The creator of the Group Run should mention in the description the distance and pace they are expecting to run so that you have a sense of what you’re signing up for. Typically, there is a mix of skill levels and people do whatever they are comfortable with. 

What if something comes up and I can’t go to a Group Run that I have said I will attend?

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Under the Group Runs tab, navigate to the “Group Runs Joined” tile. On the Group Run that you can no longer attend, click the red “I can no longer attend” button. You will be prompted to confirm your selection. Once confirmed, you will be removed from that Group Run. If you decide you want to re-join later, you can always do so from the “Find a Group Run” tile. 

What if something comes up and I need to cancel a Group Run that I have created?

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Log in and navigate to the Group Runs section on your dashboard. Go to the "Group Runs Created" tile and select the run you need to cancel. At the bottom of the page, below the event description, you will see a “Cancel group run” button. Click this button and then click Yes to confirm you would like to cancel this group run. Once cancelled, the event will be deleted and everyone who was attending the group run will be sent an email notifying them that the organizer has cancelled this group run. To re-schedule, you must create an entirely new group run.

How do I know who else is attending this Group Run?

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The orange “Attendees” block displays the current number of people attending. Clicking on the orange “Attendees” block on any group run will display a list of names of people attending that run. 

How can I get more people to attend the group run I created?

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Tell people about it! Let your network know what the Million Reasons Run is all about and encourage them to sign up so they can attend your awesome Group Run. You can also share the details of your Group Run in the Friends of the Million Reasons Run Facebook page. 

Rewards & Merch

How can I get the running tee/sweater/custom backpack?

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Sign up for The Million Reasons Run and ask your family, friends, and colleagues to donate to support your challenge. Once you’ve raised $500 you will receive a moisture-wicking tee. And once you go that extra mile and raise $1,500 you will also receive a premium crewneck sweater, and when you've raised $2,500 you will receive a custom backpack. You can earn fundraising rewards up until June 30th.

Can I buy a running tee/hoodie/custom backpack?

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The Million Reasons Run rewards are not available for purchase. You can earn your swag by fundraising for the health of kids across Canada.

If my team raises $500, do we all get the running tee?

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No, the running tees are earned on individual fundraising achievement – not at a team level. This is to ensure that all runners have the opportunity to secure a Million Reasons Run tee to wear throughout the challenge.

When will my fundraising reward arrive?

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Once you have entered shipping details and claimed your reward, all items ship via UPS tracked shipping. You can expect to receive your item within 5-10 business days depending on your location. As soon as the shipping label is created, you will receive a notification email from UPS with your tracking number. Note that shipments do not begin sending until March 1st. 

Donations & Receipts

Are donations tax-receiptable?

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Yes, all online donations will receive an automatic tax receipt via email. Tax receipts for offline donations will only be provided for $20 or more. If you are entering a donation on someone else’s behalf, ensure you include their correct name and mailing address. If you have received funds from an event or bake sale, these would not be eligible for a tax receipt. Contact our team to process these donations.

How do I access my tax receipt?

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If you’ve made an online donation, you will receive an automated email that includes your tax receipt. You can also log back in using the same email address you used when donating here. You to access your tax receipt at any time.

Why is my tax receipt from SickKids Foundation?

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SickKids Foundation is responsible for The Million Reasons Run event, including receipting donations received through the event. SickKids Foundation is collaborating on this event with 12 other children's hospital foundations across Canada and has agreed to grant donations received to the closest participating children's hospital foundation(s) based on the donor's postal code.

What do I do with cash or cheque donations?

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Add cash donations to your fundraising page by following these steps:

Go to your fundraising page and donate directly through the “Donate” button. 
Enter the donation amount and donor details to ensure they receive a tax receipt.
Use your credit card to make the donation.

Add cheque donations:

Please make sure cheques are made out to SickKids Foundation – The Million Reasons Run. Send the cheque(s) together with the Pledge form to:

SickKids Foundation
c/o The Million Reasons Run
525 University Ave., Suite 835
Toronto, ON M5G 2L3

We will allocate the money to your fundraising page and issue a tax receipt to the donor.

Corporate Match Giving

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Many employers support their employees’ charitable efforts through matching gifts. Even if an employer does not have a matching program, they may still be willing to support your challenge and donate to you. All you must do is ask! Fill out this Corporate Match Giving form with your employer and be sure to send it along with the company gift to our fundraising team at hello@millionreasons.run so we can be sure to add it to your fundraising total.

Corporate Matching through Benevity

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If your employer has an account with Benevity, they can provide their corporate gift through the SickKids Foundation Benevity account. Be sure to select “The Million Reasons Run” as the charity event, and provide the runners full name in the notes section. SickKids Foundation is responsible to collect all donations on behalf of the Million Reasons Run and grant to the closest participating children's hospital foundation(s) based on the donor's postal code.

How can I say thank you to my donors?

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Saying thanks for the generosity of your amazing friends, family and colleagues is so important, and we’ve got a couple ways you can do this:

  1. You can find a ‘Thank You’ email template on your Dashboard, which you can share directly or copy/paste into your own email account.
  2. Share your praises on social – tag your donor and thank them publicly. It will make them feel extra special and encourage others to donate as well.

Who was my anonymous donor?

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It’s exciting and curious to wonder who has donated anonymously, but unfortunately as the donor has chosen to remain anonymous, we are unable to share this information with you.

Are there any administrative fees for the Event?

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Yes, there are costs to run this event. We have tried to keep these costs as low as possible. The 13 children's hospital foundations participating in the event have agreed that SickKids Foundation may deduct certain agreed upon costs to administer this event prior to granting donations received for the event to the participating children's hospital foundation(s) based on the donor's postal code.

What is the optional contribution towards fees?

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When you make a donation or purchase an item from our shop, during check out you will be given the option to add a small additional fee. This fee is completely optional and helps cover the cost of running this event so that your full amount can go directly to the charity


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What is the Max The Match Day?

Thanks to our generous donor, J.P. Bickell Foundation, all donations will be matched up to $500,000 on Thursday, May 16, 2023 until 11:59pm PST. Please note that all matched donations will be designated to SickKids Foundation, as this is where the donation originated from. Any online donation made to your personal fundraising page on Thursday, May 16th will be matched and added to your fundraising page. Matching donations will count to earning your fundraising rewards.

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What time will the match be available?

12:01am Atlantic Daylight Time. We encourage you to get your donations in early to ensure you receive a matching gift on your fundraising page.

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What time will the match finish?

Either when the full $500,000 has been matched or midnight PST (BC time).

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How does the match work?

Any donation made to a participant’s page on May 16th will be matched and included in your fundraising total. The matched donor will be called "J.P. Bickell Foundation match".

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Where do I find the matching gifts on my fundraising page?

During the matching period (May 16th) when a donation is made to your page, a matching gift will also be made to your page. It may take up to 15 minutes for the matching gift to appear on your page

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What happens if the match runs out before midnight?

Any donation made after the $500,000 has run out will not receive a matching gift. We will display a message on the website that the match has run out.

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What about my fundraising rewards?

Matched donations will be counted towards your fundraising rewards. For example, if you haven't fundraised yet and fundraise $250 on Match Day, your donation will be matched, and your $500 reward will be prompted to be redeemed when you login to your account. If the match runs out before the end of the day, any new donations will not be matched.

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How can I promote the match to my donors?

We’ve included an email template in your dashboard that talks about the matching gift. As well, we have provided social images on the Fundraise page to promote the matching gift.

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Where do the matched donations go?

The $500,000 matching gift from J.P. Bickell Foundation is a committed donation to SickKids Foundation, however, any donation made on Match Day will go the closest children’s hospital foundation(s) to the donor’s postal code.

What are you waiting for?

Join the fun already and let's crush some serious kms. It's as easy as signing up and lacing up.

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